Friday, September 30, 2011

ESSAY: Us Humans

Have you ever thought what it means to be human? The thought of it also makes me wonder. What are we like, what do we do, what do we say, etc. The definitive characteristic of a human being is having emotions/attitudes.

All human beings have different kinds of emotions and attitudes we use in our daily lives. Such as being rebellious, caring, courageous, indecisive, focused, seriousness, and many more. Why do humans have these kinds of attitudes? Because us, as individuals have have a degree of liking or disliking something. Attitudes are either positive or negative views of a person, place or thing. Most attitudes are the result of direct experience or observational learning from the environment.

 A human's attitude can change fast in a heart beat by persuasion. Once person can be all fine and happy, then a moment later they can be the bitchiest person ever. I hate that about people in general. For example, I have this close friend, and during the morning we're always happy and laughing for no reason, then when it's the afternoon, her mood changes instantly. She's all acting so depressed and shit. Like what the hell happened in the last couple of hours ago? Fuck it, whatever. Mood killer. That was the first of many examples I will tell you.

Another attitude/emotion is being open-minded and tolerant. I dislike people who keep things to themselves when they have something to say. Us humans always have stuff to say that comes out of our mouths, and sometimes that can be either a bad or good thing. Like, for playing games. I always support my team members and always give them advice on things they need to work on, and that's a good thing. On the other hand, I remember last year when I had a basketball game, and while I was on the court the other team scored on us, and I was like "Fuck!" so loud, which I should have said, but it came out anyways cause yeah and I got in trouble for that. Also, another time, in eighth grade, in class I was doing my work like a good student that I am, and my friend who sits next to me starts to annoy me and calls my name every second. He's all like "Pam..... Pam... Pam... Pam..." and I yelled "WHAT?!" to him so loud. It was so annoying. Like I didn't answer you the first time, how do you expect me to answer you the 10th time? So yeah, that came out of my mouth automatically.

Next emotion is jealousy. I know all of us went through the jealousy stage. Jealousy is the emotion that refers to negativity and feelings of insecurity, anxiety, and fear over another human. It consists the feelings of anger and depression. There are many types of jealousy that a human can experience - sibling rivalry, workplace jealousy, romantic jealousy, and platonic jealousy. I've experienced all of these types, but the ones I've experienced the most is platonic jealousy and sibling rivalry. For the platonic one, I feel like my best friend is replacing me with someone else, well sorta. She's hanging out with other people except me. And for the sibling rivalry, I think my family pays more attention to my little sister, especially my dad. Whatever though. As I'm getting more older, I care less and less about sibling rivalry.

Third emotion is being rude. Not all humans are rude. I have my rude moments, but not all the time. I only act like that if I feel like it. Being rude is not a good thing, but sometimes, you just have to say something, you know? It's called telling the truth. And people who act rude in public, oh no. People who just push each other, or just throw rocks or something at a person is not a courteous thing to do. My mom has to deal with these kinds of people everyday since she works at a store. People just don't care about anything and do whatever they want to do without thinking about what's right and wrong.

Fourth emotion is joy. I love this feeling. Experiencing the positive, memorable, fun things happening in life. A time when you felt so comfortable and happy. I always feel this when I'm with friends and family. Either just hanging out, going to a party or just eating dinner with them. Having them in my life, brings the joy in me. Just seeing a smile on my face shows this emotion. Without joy, you are not living the "good life".

Fifth emotion is optimism. Optimism is having hope and confidence about the future or a successful outcome of something. In other words, it is looking at the bright side of any situation and expect the best of it. Optimism is powerfully motivational. In every situation of mines, I always look at the bright side and think positive, no matter how bad the situation is. For example, if you fail a test, it's okay, you will learn from it and next time do better. Another example, if a guy or girl does not  like you back, it's okay, someone better will like you. Optimism is the heart of being a successful human being.

Sixth emotion is love. This is one of the most common feeling a human has experienced. In general, love is related to a feeling of strong affection and attachment. Love refers to a variety of different feelings, states and attitudes. A person can love an object, principle, or goal if they are committed to it. Interpersonal love refers to love between human beings. That feeling of warm personal attachment to someone is quite interesting to see and experience. Love is such a strong word and emotion.

In conclusion, these are the emotions and attitudes a human being has. The feeling of being opened minded, jealousy, rude, joy, optimism and love differ from one another. We experienced the positive and the negative emotions in this world, and they are all contrary. All humans have attitudes/emotions that they show in their daily lives, and this just makes us human.

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