Friday, September 9, 2011

RE: Players

Response to Tehani's post click here .
 "I don't understand why guys think females are a toy. Once they get what they want there done talking to the female in all ways and then talk about what they've did together and make her reputation bad"
I completely agree to this. Guys now and days are so foolish and jerks. I can't stand guys who lead girls on, and it's like on to the next one. Some guys are smart enough to know that some girls are really sensitive. One of the worst feelings ever are having that one person leading you on. Most girls fall for anything a guy tells them.
Guys can't be playing us girls, as if we're an xbox or some psp. Also, if you're talking to a girl and that girl tells you everything and gave you all her trust, how are you just going to take it and tell the whole world and spread shit around? That's some scandalous crap right there. What's even more ridiculous is when a guy doesn't admit that he has a girlfriend when a girls trying to "get" at him. That just shows how much of a dick he is.

 Guys who are players are not committed to be in a relationship, if he just uses you and get at other girls. Like what Tehani said, "In my point of view, if you don't like the girl why talk to her and make her think you like her and your going to treat her right when you know all you want is her money and whats in her pants." If you don't like the girl, tell her straight up instead of making her think you're into her.

This is why I dislike players so much, and don't associate with them. Once a player, always a player. 

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