Thursday, September 15, 2011

RE: Ungrateful Brats

Response to Kristy's post.
"People, who are always complaining about the most stupid shit in the world and are ungrateful for what they have, irritate the fuck out of me."
Kristy and I think a like. We both get pissed off by these ignorant humans. People that act like that are such brats. I just want to slap the sense out of them. Don't you see what you already have is enough? Some people would die for the things you have. Ever thought of that? Also, your parents work their asses off everyday to get what you want, to feed you, and to put a roof above your head. And yet, you still wine about the shit you don't have? So pathetic. Especially now and days, kids are acting so spoiled and it's hard to maintain jobs. You should feel blessed, not unlucky. Stop looking at the things you don't got and start being thankful for what you do got.

On the other hand, it bugs me when people complain about the smallest things ever. For example, my sister always wines about her hair getting all tangled. What the hell? It's her fault for not taking care of her hair, right? Even when's she's brushing it, all I hear from her is "ouch, ouch, ouuuccccccch!" Just shut up already! It annoys the hell out of me when she's wining like a little pig over something stupid. Also, when people ask me to help them with something and I'm just there trying my best to help them in anyway, then they start to complain about how I didn't do something right. Well then, okay, don't expect me to help your bitchass again.

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