Friday, September 9, 2011

CE: Wildfire in Texas

This video shows the wildfire in Texas. The fires were all over place and it's huge. I feel so bad for the people down there. People weren't aware of it, and were scared to death. They had to evacuate their homes as soon as possible. This is a very unfortunate situation.While firefighters were working on clearing it, families had to stay at hotels.

In my opinion, I think they should have ten times more firefighters than they had, to stop this mess. It would have been more faster and people would be less worried. Sometimes I think people take advantage to our world, and don't notice the things we do that affect these events. It is easy to cause a fire, but sometimes difficult to stop it. If you were in a deadly fire situation and you didn't get hurt, then you are very fortunate.  Most of these fires occur in California, but I don't know why. Now I have to be more aware of my surroundings. Evacuating out your home is not an easy task to do, people are rushing and trying to get all their belongings and stuff before the fire gets to them. Yeah, that's kind of scary. The things that are going through your mind when you are being forced to leave your house. Where am I going? What should I bring? Am I going to be safe? For Wildfires are one of the most threatening situations you can be in, and it takes time to clean it up since it spreads fast around certain areas.

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