Thursday, September 15, 2011

FREE: From Strangers to Friends, to Strangers Again

Have you ever met someone, and suddenly become friends with them? Then you guys start to talk to each other everyday twenty-four seven and hanging out with him/her on the daily. Then you start to get closer or even going out with that person. You guys are going good, having a fun time just hanging out with each other, enjoying each others vibes. Then one argument can cause a broken friendship/relationship. You guys start to not talk to each other, not see each other, no communication whatsoever. You guys drifted from one another in just a matter of days. Not having to fix the situation, you guys just ignored it and moved on. 

I hate having to deal with this. This happened to me a few times, but I can't get over this person I used to be "friends" with. This person and I met each other from mutual friends and we started talking for quite a while, just as friends though. We were never close, but we tell each other some interesting personal things. Yeah, I can say that I trusted him. Then one day, everything changed because of one silly thing I said and some bitch who doesn't know how to mind her own business started to interfere in it. It's complicated story but yeah. Things weren't the same between us. We don't talk anymore ever since. No hi, no what's up, no nothing. Every time I see him, we don't say anything to one another, as if we're strangers. I don't know exactly what we are now, but it's just awkward because I "used" to know him. Once a friend, now a stranger. 


  1. On the "keeping personal beef of the blogs" there any chance that any of the characters mentioned in this story might come across this? Because if so, I'd think carefully about whether you want to publish it or not. Name-calling online can come back to haunt you later...and it's not a very productive way of thinking in the first place, for that matter.
