Thursday, September 15, 2011

CE: Scary Disease in Europe

Here's the rest of the article.
"Forms of tuberculosis are spreading at an alarming rate in Europe and will kill thousandsunless health authorities halt the pandemic, the World Health Organisation has said."
This caught my eye because my mom is in Europe and I saw a movie similar to this situation. Anyways, there is a terrifying disease spreading fast in Europe. It's called tuberculosis. It attacks your lungs and other parts of your body. It is very frightening because it's spreading fast and will kill tons of people except if the health people stops it from happening. Also, if you possibly got the disease you will have to take 6 months of antibiotics and more other things to get it cured. More than 80,000 tuberculosis cases occur in the Europe and Asia region each year, and almost a fifth of the world's total. It sucks if little kids get tuberculosis, and die from it. It's sad, not having to live your life at a young age. I feel bad for the people living there. They have to be alarmed at all times and watch out for the terrifying disease. But on the good note, it's curable. Some people have diseases and they aren't curable. For example, influenza, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, and cancer etc. Those are some of the common diseases people have now and days.

Right now as I'm typing, I'm scared because knowing my mom is in Europe right now, what if she has that disease? Then when she gets back to California, she might spread it around and and other people will get it and start to die, just like in the movie 'Contagion'. Eh, I think that's just me over thinking.

1 comment:

  1. That's hella scary. lol. I used to have tuberculosis...
