Sunday, September 4, 2011

BC: About Me

Hi I'm Pamela Reyes. I'm just an average teenager living in Alameda. I am a 15 year old Filipino American from San Francisco. I'm outgoing, athletic, nice, chill and awesome. Shopping is my favorite thing to do, and also hanging out with friends and family. I have a little annoying sister and no pets. I'm a really friendly person and I love to meet new people. My mom tells me I'm bipolar but I don't I am.... sometimes. I love to smile and laugh all the time. I mostly laugh at pointless things though. 

Sports are a big part of my life because it keeps me fit and occupied. Also, I love competing against the other team. I play basketball and volleyball. The first sport I played was volleyball, and that was in 5th grade and I've been playing it ever since. I played for my elementary, middle and high school. I never did like basketball, but in 8th grade, I wanted to tryout for the fun of it.... and I made the team. I had no experience whatsoever, but I know the coach picked me because of my height. And every year I'm getting more better at it. I personally think basketball is better than volleyball because it's more aggressive.

My latest GPA is a 3.5. I had all A's and 1 D, and that D was geometry. I dislike geometry so much. My freshman year, every time I go into my geometry class, I always want the time to go by so fast because I didn't want to be there. I didn't understand most of the things we had to learn. But I still passed and went on to Algebra 2. Yay for me! 

I experienced so many adventures in my life. But the only ones I can think of is my 8th grade camping trip and my basketball tournament. In 8th grade, all core classes went  somewhere, I don't remember, but it was really far, to go on this camping trip. Let me tell you, it was really fun... especially during night time. During the first night, me and a couple of friends sneaked out of our tent area, and went to this barn nearby without any teachers knowing. It was so cold, dark and scary. Then my friends started to see things, and got all scared and ran back to our camp area, and all of a sudden one of my friends were missing. Then my friend and I were looking all over the area and woods for him... but our missing friend was hiding all along. Then that night other kids were yelling and screaming because they thought they saw a white ghost in the woods. That was an interesting trip. On the other hand, last year, my team and I went to Sacramento to attend this tournament. We stayed at a hotel, went to the mall, and played against Sacramento schools. I thought it was a great adventure. 

Some of the adventures I would like to have are to go to Las Vegas with friends and get lost in New York. I don't know why, but it sounds pretty fun, especially the Vegas one. 

People mistaken me for being shy cause I'm quiet. Not all quiet people are shy you know.  I have my moments were I'm quiet and moments when I'm annoying as hell. I really like to save my money. I know how to use it wisely unlike others. 

I have some writing goals for the year, such as being more creative and improving my vocabulary. I like to write essays, but it's difficult for me to think because I'm not that creative. Also, I need to use more bigger vocabulary words since I'm getting older. Which means, no more using baby words.

When I grow up and become successful, I will repay my parents every penny they spent on me.

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