Tuesday, September 20, 2011

FREE: Our Generation

Our generation right now sucks. Things changed so quickly. All everyone cares is about popularity, looks, relationships, money, and other stupid crap. What shallow world we live in? Little kids are wearing makeup, have facial piercings, and are cursing their asses off. When I was a little kid, all I did was play outside, played board games, and watched cartoons. What the hell happened? Now, in general, kids are just out there, partying, drinking and having sex. Also, kids are so rude and spoiled in this generation. They back talk and do the shadiest things ever for their age. Today we are spoiled by the latest gadgets and technology this world has offered and we don't even appreciate it.

"In a society that has destroyed all adventure, the only adventure left is to destroy that society."

 Society is a bitch. People's opinions don't even matter. No one listens to you and starts to bandwagon. I also think people are starting to be more of a hypocrite everyday. You're just following the crowd. Either with clothing, sport teams and most of all, music. Tsk, tsk. What a disappointment. Furthermore, people are so ignorant. Stereotyping is one of the reasons why people are so stupid. Don't judge someone if you don't know anything about them. You don't know what they've been through. So, think before you act because actions do have consequences. I don't even know anymore. It'll be nice to live in a world where people didn't act like this. But whatever.

Overall, I think we're the generation that tried to grow up too fast.


  1. Did you know they're starting to call us Generation M? the M stands for Media, of all things. It sucks.

  2. Hi Pamela. my spanisih buddy :) I responded to your post. http://gigiisthebomb.blogspot.com/2011/09/reresponse-to-pamelas-post.html

  3. Hey, i responded to this (:

