Friday, September 30, 2011

ESSAY: Us Humans

Have you ever thought what it means to be human? The thought of it also makes me wonder. What are we like, what do we do, what do we say, etc. The definitive characteristic of a human being is having emotions/attitudes.

All human beings have different kinds of emotions and attitudes we use in our daily lives. Such as being rebellious, caring, courageous, indecisive, focused, seriousness, and many more. Why do humans have these kinds of attitudes? Because us, as individuals have have a degree of liking or disliking something. Attitudes are either positive or negative views of a person, place or thing. Most attitudes are the result of direct experience or observational learning from the environment.

 A human's attitude can change fast in a heart beat by persuasion. Once person can be all fine and happy, then a moment later they can be the bitchiest person ever. I hate that about people in general. For example, I have this close friend, and during the morning we're always happy and laughing for no reason, then when it's the afternoon, her mood changes instantly. She's all acting so depressed and shit. Like what the hell happened in the last couple of hours ago? Fuck it, whatever. Mood killer. That was the first of many examples I will tell you.

Another attitude/emotion is being open-minded and tolerant. I dislike people who keep things to themselves when they have something to say. Us humans always have stuff to say that comes out of our mouths, and sometimes that can be either a bad or good thing. Like, for playing games. I always support my team members and always give them advice on things they need to work on, and that's a good thing. On the other hand, I remember last year when I had a basketball game, and while I was on the court the other team scored on us, and I was like "Fuck!" so loud, which I should have said, but it came out anyways cause yeah and I got in trouble for that. Also, another time, in eighth grade, in class I was doing my work like a good student that I am, and my friend who sits next to me starts to annoy me and calls my name every second. He's all like "Pam..... Pam... Pam... Pam..." and I yelled "WHAT?!" to him so loud. It was so annoying. Like I didn't answer you the first time, how do you expect me to answer you the 10th time? So yeah, that came out of my mouth automatically.

Next emotion is jealousy. I know all of us went through the jealousy stage. Jealousy is the emotion that refers to negativity and feelings of insecurity, anxiety, and fear over another human. It consists the feelings of anger and depression. There are many types of jealousy that a human can experience - sibling rivalry, workplace jealousy, romantic jealousy, and platonic jealousy. I've experienced all of these types, but the ones I've experienced the most is platonic jealousy and sibling rivalry. For the platonic one, I feel like my best friend is replacing me with someone else, well sorta. She's hanging out with other people except me. And for the sibling rivalry, I think my family pays more attention to my little sister, especially my dad. Whatever though. As I'm getting more older, I care less and less about sibling rivalry.

Third emotion is being rude. Not all humans are rude. I have my rude moments, but not all the time. I only act like that if I feel like it. Being rude is not a good thing, but sometimes, you just have to say something, you know? It's called telling the truth. And people who act rude in public, oh no. People who just push each other, or just throw rocks or something at a person is not a courteous thing to do. My mom has to deal with these kinds of people everyday since she works at a store. People just don't care about anything and do whatever they want to do without thinking about what's right and wrong.

Fourth emotion is joy. I love this feeling. Experiencing the positive, memorable, fun things happening in life. A time when you felt so comfortable and happy. I always feel this when I'm with friends and family. Either just hanging out, going to a party or just eating dinner with them. Having them in my life, brings the joy in me. Just seeing a smile on my face shows this emotion. Without joy, you are not living the "good life".

Fifth emotion is optimism. Optimism is having hope and confidence about the future or a successful outcome of something. In other words, it is looking at the bright side of any situation and expect the best of it. Optimism is powerfully motivational. In every situation of mines, I always look at the bright side and think positive, no matter how bad the situation is. For example, if you fail a test, it's okay, you will learn from it and next time do better. Another example, if a guy or girl does not  like you back, it's okay, someone better will like you. Optimism is the heart of being a successful human being.

Sixth emotion is love. This is one of the most common feeling a human has experienced. In general, love is related to a feeling of strong affection and attachment. Love refers to a variety of different feelings, states and attitudes. A person can love an object, principle, or goal if they are committed to it. Interpersonal love refers to love between human beings. That feeling of warm personal attachment to someone is quite interesting to see and experience. Love is such a strong word and emotion.

In conclusion, these are the emotions and attitudes a human being has. The feeling of being opened minded, jealousy, rude, joy, optimism and love differ from one another. We experienced the positive and the negative emotions in this world, and they are all contrary. All humans have attitudes/emotions that they show in their daily lives, and this just makes us human.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

CE: Old Facebook > New Facebook

Click here for the article.

I was one of the people who were complaining about the new facebook change they did the other day. I hate it so much. I'm not feeling it at all. So Tuesday, I came home from my volleyball game and I logged onto my facebook account, and I'm like "what the....." Then my news feed were bunch of people ranting about the new update. A day before that, it was looking all fine as usual, and now they have some new version. Is this suppose to look better? Well, to me I think more stalkers will be on it more, since they can see everything we can say/post. Oh my, even I  feel like a stalker even though I'm not. I see literally everything. I don't need to know what my friends are talking/doing every damn minute.

We were still trying to get used to the other changes from a month or two ago, and now the maker of this net working site is making it more difficult for all of us. When facebook first started, it was so simple and all. Everything was still kind of private and your conversations were on the down low, then a year later they started to tweek things, and every time facebook updates, it just gets more complicated and people go crazy. I don't get why the new version is like this though. It's a stalkers paradise. But whatever, it's going to change again soon, in about 3 months or so... I bet.

 Facebook was fine a year ago, but now. Yuck.

RE: People and Feelings

Response to Kayluh's post.
"I dont understand why people can't own up to what they want. If you want something, then go and get it. I hate when people play games. I'd rather have it straight to the point."
I know where Kayluh is coming from. I don't get why people have to make things so complicated. If you want someone/something, then go after it. If you have something to say, don't be a wuss, just say something. It's so difficult for me to know whether or not if you have a problem with me or whatever. Stop acting like a little bitch and ignoring everything. Confront the person and tell them how you really feel and tell them what's up. That'd be so much easier, for you and I. Instead of acting like there is no problem and acting like everything's okay. Like, how old are you? Grow up now. I have no time for this crap. If you want to have a conversation with me, like adults, you have to act like one first.

I dislike when people play games also. It's either you desire it or not. Quit playing around and sugarcoating and get to the point. We're not little kids anymore, we're like almost half way to being grownups. No one likes being annoyed by dumb shit you're trying to tell us especially when you're not getting your point across. Everything you are trying to say is irrelevant. I don't want to hear any of that. All I want to hear are some legit feelings in the situation that we are in. Like what the hell. Can we just talk like normal human beings without you acting like this? Come on now. You're making my anxiety go up. Games are for boards, not real life.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

FREE: Our Generation

Our generation right now sucks. Things changed so quickly. All everyone cares is about popularity, looks, relationships, money, and other stupid crap. What shallow world we live in? Little kids are wearing makeup, have facial piercings, and are cursing their asses off. When I was a little kid, all I did was play outside, played board games, and watched cartoons. What the hell happened? Now, in general, kids are just out there, partying, drinking and having sex. Also, kids are so rude and spoiled in this generation. They back talk and do the shadiest things ever for their age. Today we are spoiled by the latest gadgets and technology this world has offered and we don't even appreciate it.

"In a society that has destroyed all adventure, the only adventure left is to destroy that society."

 Society is a bitch. People's opinions don't even matter. No one listens to you and starts to bandwagon. I also think people are starting to be more of a hypocrite everyday. You're just following the crowd. Either with clothing, sport teams and most of all, music. Tsk, tsk. What a disappointment. Furthermore, people are so ignorant. Stereotyping is one of the reasons why people are so stupid. Don't judge someone if you don't know anything about them. You don't know what they've been through. So, think before you act because actions do have consequences. I don't even know anymore. It'll be nice to live in a world where people didn't act like this. But whatever.

Overall, I think we're the generation that tried to grow up too fast.

BC: Darkness Falls

It was the morning of Christmas eve, and my family and I were planning to have dinner party in our new house. Dad's inviting his old friends and mother is inviting her co-workers. The rest of our family lives in another country and they have no money to come over and visit. Mom's cooking, dad's setting up the house and I'm just here in the family room, looking at the overly decorated Christmas tree full of presents surrounding it.

As hours past by, it was finally night time. The guests had arrive looking all fancy and beautiful. Dad wanted me to escort them to their seats so that the party can start. So I did, then when they all got seated, my parents said their speeches and crap, and then it was finally dinner time. The table was full of amazing dishes made by my mom. Everyone was having a good time, then all of a sudden the lights turned off. We all thought it was a blackout, but once my dad checked outside, the neighbors' houses still had their lights on. Weird huh? I was thinking to myself, maybe a raccoon ate the electricity cords or something. Mom and her friends went to the kitchen and lit up many candles as they can find then started to put one in each room. We have at least 5 rooms in our new house. My room, my parents, 2 bathrooms, and a guest room. After my mom and her friends placed candles in each room, they were suppose to meet up back in the kitchen. Everyone was there, except for one, Jenny. Everyone started to get worried. And when things can get worse, Scott, my dad's friend went missing also. Great. Everyone is panicking, and getting out of control. My mom was trying to call the cops, but the line was dead. Okay, so what the hell is going on? I'm getting scared myself. On top of all that, my mom's friend told all of us a story of the old man who died in our new house whose body was never found. I didn't want to hear the story because I thought it was all BS. So I went upstairs to my room, to listen to my iPod. On my way up there, I saw a man's shadow by the backyard door.... oh my god, he has a gun! As I was about to yell it out, he had broke the glass door, and started shooting everyone.

 I quickly ran to the closest room which my parent's. Everything was going way too fast. We were just having a nice Christmas dinner a minute ago, and now a murderer is inside the house. I need to take people and myself out of this house as soon as possible. So, there I was inside my parents' room trying to find their car keys. It's almost pitch black. I'm touching all kinds of things. I'm touching my mom's big jewelry box located on top of her mini drawer. I'm kicking all kinds of hard furniture. I keep running into the wall. I'm laying my hands on top of their bed searching, trying to feel the key chain part of the keys. The key chain contains beads that spell "I love mommy" on it. It wasn't there. So I kept on looking in the dark, scared and rushed as ever, not trying to get caught by the murder. I felt a cup on top of my parents' night table, and next to it, I felt something cold and circular, like bead like. Then I figured out that it was the keys, but I wanted to make sure it was the right pair of car keys. So I continued to keep searching for something like a flashlight or a cell phone. I turned around and went in all sorts of directions. I accidently hit my head on some of the frames hanging on the wall. That made a really big noise that you can hear it from downstairs. I was in panic. I'm running around this dark room searching for some kind of light. I lay my hand against a table, and I felt something cold, it felt like rectangular shaped object. I kept feeling it, wondering what it was, then I felt a hard part and a somewhat button. Then I realized it was a lighter. Yes, finally. I grabbed it, used it to see if the keys I found were the right ones, and they were! So I headed to the door, and for some reason it was locked and I felt like I was stepping on a puddle. Then all of the lights turned on, and I looked down and it was gasoline and a fire began. I turned around and headed for the window. I got out, jumped down to the ground, next thing you know, the whole house exploded. I didn't know what to do next. All I have left are a lighter and car keys...

Thursday, September 15, 2011

CE: Scary Disease in Europe

Here's the rest of the article.
"Forms of tuberculosis are spreading at an alarming rate in Europe and will kill thousandsunless health authorities halt the pandemic, the World Health Organisation has said."
This caught my eye because my mom is in Europe and I saw a movie similar to this situation. Anyways, there is a terrifying disease spreading fast in Europe. It's called tuberculosis. It attacks your lungs and other parts of your body. It is very frightening because it's spreading fast and will kill tons of people except if the health people stops it from happening. Also, if you possibly got the disease you will have to take 6 months of antibiotics and more other things to get it cured. More than 80,000 tuberculosis cases occur in the Europe and Asia region each year, and almost a fifth of the world's total. It sucks if little kids get tuberculosis, and die from it. It's sad, not having to live your life at a young age. I feel bad for the people living there. They have to be alarmed at all times and watch out for the terrifying disease. But on the good note, it's curable. Some people have diseases and they aren't curable. For example, influenza, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, and cancer etc. Those are some of the common diseases people have now and days.

Right now as I'm typing, I'm scared because knowing my mom is in Europe right now, what if she has that disease? Then when she gets back to California, she might spread it around and and other people will get it and start to die, just like in the movie 'Contagion'. Eh, I think that's just me over thinking.

RE: Ungrateful Brats

Response to Kristy's post.
"People, who are always complaining about the most stupid shit in the world and are ungrateful for what they have, irritate the fuck out of me."
Kristy and I think a like. We both get pissed off by these ignorant humans. People that act like that are such brats. I just want to slap the sense out of them. Don't you see what you already have is enough? Some people would die for the things you have. Ever thought of that? Also, your parents work their asses off everyday to get what you want, to feed you, and to put a roof above your head. And yet, you still wine about the shit you don't have? So pathetic. Especially now and days, kids are acting so spoiled and it's hard to maintain jobs. You should feel blessed, not unlucky. Stop looking at the things you don't got and start being thankful for what you do got.

On the other hand, it bugs me when people complain about the smallest things ever. For example, my sister always wines about her hair getting all tangled. What the hell? It's her fault for not taking care of her hair, right? Even when's she's brushing it, all I hear from her is "ouch, ouch, ouuuccccccch!" Just shut up already! It annoys the hell out of me when she's wining like a little pig over something stupid. Also, when people ask me to help them with something and I'm just there trying my best to help them in anyway, then they start to complain about how I didn't do something right. Well then, okay, don't expect me to help your bitchass again.

FREE: From Strangers to Friends, to Strangers Again

Have you ever met someone, and suddenly become friends with them? Then you guys start to talk to each other everyday twenty-four seven and hanging out with him/her on the daily. Then you start to get closer or even going out with that person. You guys are going good, having a fun time just hanging out with each other, enjoying each others vibes. Then one argument can cause a broken friendship/relationship. You guys start to not talk to each other, not see each other, no communication whatsoever. You guys drifted from one another in just a matter of days. Not having to fix the situation, you guys just ignored it and moved on. 

I hate having to deal with this. This happened to me a few times, but I can't get over this person I used to be "friends" with. This person and I met each other from mutual friends and we started talking for quite a while, just as friends though. We were never close, but we tell each other some interesting personal things. Yeah, I can say that I trusted him. Then one day, everything changed because of one silly thing I said and some bitch who doesn't know how to mind her own business started to interfere in it. It's complicated story but yeah. Things weren't the same between us. We don't talk anymore ever since. No hi, no what's up, no nothing. Every time I see him, we don't say anything to one another, as if we're strangers. I don't know exactly what we are now, but it's just awkward because I "used" to know him. Once a friend, now a stranger. 

Friday, September 9, 2011

CE: Wildfire in Texas

This video shows the wildfire in Texas. The fires were all over place and it's huge. I feel so bad for the people down there. People weren't aware of it, and were scared to death. They had to evacuate their homes as soon as possible. This is a very unfortunate situation.While firefighters were working on clearing it, families had to stay at hotels.

In my opinion, I think they should have ten times more firefighters than they had, to stop this mess. It would have been more faster and people would be less worried. Sometimes I think people take advantage to our world, and don't notice the things we do that affect these events. It is easy to cause a fire, but sometimes difficult to stop it. If you were in a deadly fire situation and you didn't get hurt, then you are very fortunate.  Most of these fires occur in California, but I don't know why. Now I have to be more aware of my surroundings. Evacuating out your home is not an easy task to do, people are rushing and trying to get all their belongings and stuff before the fire gets to them. Yeah, that's kind of scary. The things that are going through your mind when you are being forced to leave your house. Where am I going? What should I bring? Am I going to be safe? For Wildfires are one of the most threatening situations you can be in, and it takes time to clean it up since it spreads fast around certain areas.

RE: Players

Response to Tehani's post click here .
 "I don't understand why guys think females are a toy. Once they get what they want there done talking to the female in all ways and then talk about what they've did together and make her reputation bad"
I completely agree to this. Guys now and days are so foolish and jerks. I can't stand guys who lead girls on, and it's like on to the next one. Some guys are smart enough to know that some girls are really sensitive. One of the worst feelings ever are having that one person leading you on. Most girls fall for anything a guy tells them.
Guys can't be playing us girls, as if we're an xbox or some psp. Also, if you're talking to a girl and that girl tells you everything and gave you all her trust, how are you just going to take it and tell the whole world and spread shit around? That's some scandalous crap right there. What's even more ridiculous is when a guy doesn't admit that he has a girlfriend when a girls trying to "get" at him. That just shows how much of a dick he is.

 Guys who are players are not committed to be in a relationship, if he just uses you and get at other girls. Like what Tehani said, "In my point of view, if you don't like the girl why talk to her and make her think you like her and your going to treat her right when you know all you want is her money and whats in her pants." If you don't like the girl, tell her straight up instead of making her think you're into her.

This is why I dislike players so much, and don't associate with them. Once a player, always a player. 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

FREE: This Cool Story..

Let me tell you about my day. So I woke up, got ready, ate breakfast, and went to school. I was kind of pumped up cause today was our first volleyball game at home. First period was boring, second period was eh, third period was tiring because we had to do the pacer test, and I did 35 pacers. Fourth period was eh, lunch was alright, fifth period was fun because we had a debate going on so yeah, and sixth period was so boring, I felt like sleeping in that class. Then the bell rang and after school I went to the gym to get ready for the game. I went to the gym locker and got ready then went back to the gym to set up the nets, then our teams went straight to do warm-ups. Then all of a sudden we saw the other team, and they had much taller people then we do. No big deal. Let's just see how they play.

We played against Hayward High School. It was pretty exciting. Just seeing them warm up, we knew right away we were going to win! Junior varsity started first, then Varsity after. It was so nerve wrecking at first but once I got on the court, I was fine and wasn't so much in a panic mode. I was so nervous because I haven't played a real volleyball game in a long time, even though I was on the team last year, our coach didn't get us any games. I play middle in volleyball, and it's fun. My serves went in, so yay me! Oh, and our team, jv, won!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

BC: About Me

Hi I'm Pamela Reyes. I'm just an average teenager living in Alameda. I am a 15 year old Filipino American from San Francisco. I'm outgoing, athletic, nice, chill and awesome. Shopping is my favorite thing to do, and also hanging out with friends and family. I have a little annoying sister and no pets. I'm a really friendly person and I love to meet new people. My mom tells me I'm bipolar but I don't I am.... sometimes. I love to smile and laugh all the time. I mostly laugh at pointless things though. 

Sports are a big part of my life because it keeps me fit and occupied. Also, I love competing against the other team. I play basketball and volleyball. The first sport I played was volleyball, and that was in 5th grade and I've been playing it ever since. I played for my elementary, middle and high school. I never did like basketball, but in 8th grade, I wanted to tryout for the fun of it.... and I made the team. I had no experience whatsoever, but I know the coach picked me because of my height. And every year I'm getting more better at it. I personally think basketball is better than volleyball because it's more aggressive.

My latest GPA is a 3.5. I had all A's and 1 D, and that D was geometry. I dislike geometry so much. My freshman year, every time I go into my geometry class, I always want the time to go by so fast because I didn't want to be there. I didn't understand most of the things we had to learn. But I still passed and went on to Algebra 2. Yay for me! 

I experienced so many adventures in my life. But the only ones I can think of is my 8th grade camping trip and my basketball tournament. In 8th grade, all core classes went  somewhere, I don't remember, but it was really far, to go on this camping trip. Let me tell you, it was really fun... especially during night time. During the first night, me and a couple of friends sneaked out of our tent area, and went to this barn nearby without any teachers knowing. It was so cold, dark and scary. Then my friends started to see things, and got all scared and ran back to our camp area, and all of a sudden one of my friends were missing. Then my friend and I were looking all over the area and woods for him... but our missing friend was hiding all along. Then that night other kids were yelling and screaming because they thought they saw a white ghost in the woods. That was an interesting trip. On the other hand, last year, my team and I went to Sacramento to attend this tournament. We stayed at a hotel, went to the mall, and played against Sacramento schools. I thought it was a great adventure. 

Some of the adventures I would like to have are to go to Las Vegas with friends and get lost in New York. I don't know why, but it sounds pretty fun, especially the Vegas one. 

People mistaken me for being shy cause I'm quiet. Not all quiet people are shy you know.  I have my moments were I'm quiet and moments when I'm annoying as hell. I really like to save my money. I know how to use it wisely unlike others. 

I have some writing goals for the year, such as being more creative and improving my vocabulary. I like to write essays, but it's difficult for me to think because I'm not that creative. Also, I need to use more bigger vocabulary words since I'm getting older. Which means, no more using baby words.

When I grow up and become successful, I will repay my parents every penny they spent on me.