Thursday, October 20, 2011

RE: Homecoming Assembly

Response to Ken's post.
For sophomores, most of us were really in to it and we all screamed. 
I totally have to disagree with this. Ken, you probably went to the first assembly that's why, but at the second assembly we were quiet. I was hoping that since we were sophomores, we would be loud and crazy compared to freshman year. But sadly no. We were loud, but not loud enough. The majority of the sophomores' in our class were too shy and quiet. Like get up and cheer. Don't be an awkward turtle and just sit there. Smh. You quiet people make me want to slap you in the face, seriously.

As always, freshmen class is quiet, sophomores are louder than the freshmen, then here comes the juniors who are second to loudest then the seniors. Of course the seniors would be the loudest since they're almost done with high school. But it's so disappointing to see that our class isn't that spirited. Honestly, I think our class is the quietest. No joke. Eh, I yelled and stood up most of the time. But these kids I'm surrounded by are just not doing anything. Really now? It's your chance to yell out and cheer for your class. Class of 2014! Overall, I just think the assembly was boring. We just yelled, watched a 30 second skit, yelled, watched the football players do a cheer, yelled, and watch the homecoming court run around the gym. How is that suppose to be fun? *sigh* Alameda High, I know we can do better. Next year, I am hoping to see our class be crazy, wild and more out there.

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