Thursday, October 20, 2011

FREE: Back Talking

Parents call it back talking, I call it explaining. Everytime I get into trouble, I try to explain myself and my story but instead my parents would yell at me for thinking I was talking back. I don't know why they would think I would be talking back if I am just trying to clear my story.

They would never let me finish for what I have to say. That's why I don't really communicate with my parents that much for that personal reason. Also, consistently, when my parents' shout at me I just listen to them nag at me, blah, blah, blah. I just have to hold in what I have to say and not try to get into more trouble by talking back. Sometimes I wished that my parents, especially my mom, would just give me a chance to say my account. It's only my mom actually who really needs to listen to what I have to say, intently.

So, this one time I went to this party on a school day. I told my parents about it and they were okay with it. I was at the party having a good time, and whatever. Then I get 3 missed calls from my mom. I was wondering why she was calling me for. So I called her back and she didn't answer. Great. Then a few minutes later I get a call from her and she starts to yell at me asking me where I was and I told her I was at the party I told her about. And then she tells me to go home, and I totally forgot I have to leave at 10 and it was around 10:30. Oh crap, so I had to leave and once I got home she started screaming at me. I tried to "explain" my story but instead she told me to go to bed. What a night ha ha ha. 

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