Wednesday, October 12, 2011

BC: Steve Jobs' Advice

I completely agree with Steve Jobs' advice because I think it is true. I think it is very interesting to comprehend what Jobs is saying. I have not read anything like it. I know everyone has to die some day, but if I had to die today? I have no idea what to do. And in Jobs' words, I know where he is coming from. Just live life to the fullest. At least if you experienced something, you can tell people about it no matter how stupid it is. I won't wake up and tell myself  everyday, "If I die today, what am I going to do?" but sometimes, I'll just think about it for a while. You don't have all the time in your life to just wait for something to happen. Live it! Life is too short for unnecessary shit. You only have one life to live, so don't waste a single day. Life is too valuable. It can disappear in a heart beat. You will never know when your time will come. "Attack life, it's going to kill you anyways." 

If I started following this advice tomorrow, I will learn that I would be totally different. The way I act, the way I look, just everything. I will be more "out there", doing stuff that I would never do, and nobody is going to stop me.  But I would only do the things I won't get in trouble for. Yes I would probably make stupid decisions, but hey that is life. Life is all about making decisions and what not. I would just do it, instead of thinking about it. There are many things I would like to do before I die, and I would like to accomplish those things. Live in the moment because every second you spend being angry, disappointed or upset is a second of happiness you can never get back. Note to self: stop regretting things and start to have more fun and live like a regular teenager. Live, love, and laugh.  

The advice I would give to people about how to "make big choices in life" is probably to do things you would never do, but without getting into trouble nor not getting caught. Do the things you are afraid to do. Time is short. You just have to let go and put aside all the drama and keep in contact with the people who make you laugh so hard that you would forget about everything, no worries no nothing, just having fun. Challenge yourself and do stuff out of the ordinary. Break rules, daily routines, try new things. Who cares what people think. It's your life, not theirs. You can do whatever you want to do. Do whatever makes you happy. Nothing lasts forever, so live it up! Take chances and risks. Don't waste precious time. Put a smile on your face and have an adventure.

"Spend everyday as if it is your last because tomorrow is never promised." - quote by unknown.

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