Thursday, October 20, 2011

CE: Rel Steel & Footloose

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LOS ANGELES -- The robot boxers of "Real Steel" and the dancers of "Footloose" are in a tight fight for the box-office title.
These two movies came in pretty close to number one. But number one was Real Steel and second was Footloose. I have not seen these two movies yet, but from what I heard, the majority of people liked loved the movie Real Steal. Real Steel seems like the movie I would like to watch more than once. It looks different than most of the movies that are playing right now. And it caught my attention that Hugh Jackman was in it. I think he is a good actor. I was thrilled by the trailer and I wanted to watch the movie pretty bad, but I never had to time to. Seeing robots fighting each other? Seems pretty cool, compared to Footloose.

To me Footloose seems like a cheesy movie. I don't know why, but it just does. And it is a remake, I heard? Seems boring. Maybe cause it is one of those musical movies. I don't really like High School Musical, Hairspray, and Grease. Most remakes are never the better than the original. I do not know why this movie is second place. Maybe cause of the cast. Or the publicity it had, like it was all over the internet, television, billboards, magazines, posters, and what not.

But overall, I think Real Steal is my kind of movie. Just cause it's filled with action and other things. Like it got my attention, didn't it? Unlike Footloose, full of teenagers dancing in some deserted town trying to get some attention around.

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