Friday, October 14, 2011

FREE:Stress, Stress, Stress

For the past couple of weeks I have been feeling very very very stressed. I have been given a shit load of homework to do every night. I sleep at around eleven or twelve and waking up at seven. That's no good. I am at school eight through three, then after school I have volleyball practice through six-thirty. We do have study hall but that's only for an hour and I barely get stuff done. Then when I get home from practice I go straight to my desk and computer and do my homework. So tiring man. I can't handle it. This year seems like it's going to be a lot more tougher than freshman year. So. Much. Homework! And to top it all off, I have to do other stuff like, chores and make posters or shirts for volleyball.

Everything is just stressing me out. I remember the days when I didn't have this much homework to do..... and those were like elementary and middle school times. AGGGGGGHHHHHH! Writing this post is even stressing me out cause I don't know what else to say and I have other things to do. This is just sophomore year, just wait until junior and senior year. That's when all of my hair will turn gray from stressing. My grades are looking good too, except for one subject, but I'm just going to blame the teacher. Yup, I said it. I'm stressing in her class too because she cannot teach! If I fail her class, I fail life. I'm not going to go to the college I want to go to, my parents think I'm going to be a disgrace... I don't know. I'm tired. Bye.


  1. If we into Ms. 's Window we can journey back to the past. Don't believe me?

  2. Deep will survive and no matter what they tell you, your grades in high school DO NOT determine the entire rest of your life.

    But by all means, try to get some sleep. Maybe if you're getting slammed with tons of homework, you can talk to your teachers to figure out ways of doing it more smoothly?
