Thursday, October 20, 2011

CE: Rel Steel & Footloose

Click here for the article.
LOS ANGELES -- The robot boxers of "Real Steel" and the dancers of "Footloose" are in a tight fight for the box-office title.
These two movies came in pretty close to number one. But number one was Real Steel and second was Footloose. I have not seen these two movies yet, but from what I heard, the majority of people liked loved the movie Real Steal. Real Steel seems like the movie I would like to watch more than once. It looks different than most of the movies that are playing right now. And it caught my attention that Hugh Jackman was in it. I think he is a good actor. I was thrilled by the trailer and I wanted to watch the movie pretty bad, but I never had to time to. Seeing robots fighting each other? Seems pretty cool, compared to Footloose.

To me Footloose seems like a cheesy movie. I don't know why, but it just does. And it is a remake, I heard? Seems boring. Maybe cause it is one of those musical movies. I don't really like High School Musical, Hairspray, and Grease. Most remakes are never the better than the original. I do not know why this movie is second place. Maybe cause of the cast. Or the publicity it had, like it was all over the internet, television, billboards, magazines, posters, and what not.

But overall, I think Real Steal is my kind of movie. Just cause it's filled with action and other things. Like it got my attention, didn't it? Unlike Footloose, full of teenagers dancing in some deserted town trying to get some attention around.

RE: Homecoming Assembly

Response to Ken's post.
For sophomores, most of us were really in to it and we all screamed. 
I totally have to disagree with this. Ken, you probably went to the first assembly that's why, but at the second assembly we were quiet. I was hoping that since we were sophomores, we would be loud and crazy compared to freshman year. But sadly no. We were loud, but not loud enough. The majority of the sophomores' in our class were too shy and quiet. Like get up and cheer. Don't be an awkward turtle and just sit there. Smh. You quiet people make me want to slap you in the face, seriously.

As always, freshmen class is quiet, sophomores are louder than the freshmen, then here comes the juniors who are second to loudest then the seniors. Of course the seniors would be the loudest since they're almost done with high school. But it's so disappointing to see that our class isn't that spirited. Honestly, I think our class is the quietest. No joke. Eh, I yelled and stood up most of the time. But these kids I'm surrounded by are just not doing anything. Really now? It's your chance to yell out and cheer for your class. Class of 2014! Overall, I just think the assembly was boring. We just yelled, watched a 30 second skit, yelled, watched the football players do a cheer, yelled, and watch the homecoming court run around the gym. How is that suppose to be fun? *sigh* Alameda High, I know we can do better. Next year, I am hoping to see our class be crazy, wild and more out there.

FREE: Back Talking

Parents call it back talking, I call it explaining. Everytime I get into trouble, I try to explain myself and my story but instead my parents would yell at me for thinking I was talking back. I don't know why they would think I would be talking back if I am just trying to clear my story.

They would never let me finish for what I have to say. That's why I don't really communicate with my parents that much for that personal reason. Also, consistently, when my parents' shout at me I just listen to them nag at me, blah, blah, blah. I just have to hold in what I have to say and not try to get into more trouble by talking back. Sometimes I wished that my parents, especially my mom, would just give me a chance to say my account. It's only my mom actually who really needs to listen to what I have to say, intently.

So, this one time I went to this party on a school day. I told my parents about it and they were okay with it. I was at the party having a good time, and whatever. Then I get 3 missed calls from my mom. I was wondering why she was calling me for. So I called her back and she didn't answer. Great. Then a few minutes later I get a call from her and she starts to yell at me asking me where I was and I told her I was at the party I told her about. And then she tells me to go home, and I totally forgot I have to leave at 10 and it was around 10:30. Oh crap, so I had to leave and once I got home she started screaming at me. I tried to "explain" my story but instead she told me to go to bed. What a night ha ha ha. 

Friday, October 14, 2011

CE: Death Of Jobs

Full article click here. 
Steve Jobs died from respiratory arrest and a pancreatic tumor, according to his death certificate released Monday.
Steve Jobs died October 5, 2011. He was the co-founder of Apple Inc and Pixar Animation Studio. He designed and developed the most used technology, we people use today. Such as the iPhone, iPod, iPad, iHome, etc.

Everyone was sadden by his death. No one was thought this was coming so soon. When I heard about the news I was like "Who is Steve Jobs?". Then I had to find out from my television to see who he was. When I saw him, I still didn't know who he was. Then I heard my family talking about it and I finally found out that he was the man who made the iPods/iPhones etc. Very sad, we lost one of the most well-known inventors in our decade. What's coming up next from Apple? What's going to happen? What are the next designs going to look like? Are they still going to keep making these electronics we are still using. I don't know. Let's just hope Apple doesn't collapse just cause Jobs died. Let's live on his legacy and keep on making these devices.

Mostly 80 percent of the people I know have these Apple devices. I have 3 iPods and an iMac. Everyone in my family have iPhones, well almost everyone. I'm just thankful for everything Jobs' made because without it, the world would be so different. The way we listen to music would not be the same, the way we use the internet wouldn't and mostly,  the way we communicate. In this generation, Jobs' invented facetime and built in webcams in macs and whatnot. We lost a great inventor, entrepreneur, and business man. RIP STEVE JOBS!

RE: Stupid Bipolar Weather

Response to Gendarme's post.
 The weather in Bay Area has been really bipolar than usual. This whole week has been sunny, rainy, and vice versa all in one day. It shouldn't even rain this time of the month yet
I agree with this a hundred percent. I absolutely hate this bipolar weather happening in the bay. I don't get it. Winter isn't suppose to start until December. I haven't even bought my winter clothes yet, soooo........ Yeah, I'm kinda screwed. Yeah Alameda always has it's bipolar moments and I am used to it, but it just pisses me off if I didn't bring an umbrella when it is raining or when I'm not wearing the right type of clothing for a specific day because of the weather.

On Monday, I think it rained. Yeah it did actually, and I didn't bring an umbrella. But fortunately, it started raining when I was not outside. Then Tuesday came. I thought it was not going to rain, but it did! I didn't bring an umbrella again, so I was fucked big time. It was raining so much. Also I had a game that day and I had to wear this shirt and hold a poster. After school I went outside and it was pouring, I had to go to my locker which was in the foreign building, so I had to run from main to foreign in a quick minute. Then when I left the foreign building, it started pouring even harder. I didn't want to step into the rain without anything covering my head. I waited for a second to see if I knew anyone who had an umbrella with them and I did, but that asshole didn't want to share it, so I was like whatever, I had to go to the gym and play at my game. Then days after that began to be sunny and hotter. Wow, okay, thanks mother nature.

FREE:Stress, Stress, Stress

For the past couple of weeks I have been feeling very very very stressed. I have been given a shit load of homework to do every night. I sleep at around eleven or twelve and waking up at seven. That's no good. I am at school eight through three, then after school I have volleyball practice through six-thirty. We do have study hall but that's only for an hour and I barely get stuff done. Then when I get home from practice I go straight to my desk and computer and do my homework. So tiring man. I can't handle it. This year seems like it's going to be a lot more tougher than freshman year. So. Much. Homework! And to top it all off, I have to do other stuff like, chores and make posters or shirts for volleyball.

Everything is just stressing me out. I remember the days when I didn't have this much homework to do..... and those were like elementary and middle school times. AGGGGGGHHHHHH! Writing this post is even stressing me out cause I don't know what else to say and I have other things to do. This is just sophomore year, just wait until junior and senior year. That's when all of my hair will turn gray from stressing. My grades are looking good too, except for one subject, but I'm just going to blame the teacher. Yup, I said it. I'm stressing in her class too because she cannot teach! If I fail her class, I fail life. I'm not going to go to the college I want to go to, my parents think I'm going to be a disgrace... I don't know. I'm tired. Bye.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

BC: Steve Jobs' Advice

I completely agree with Steve Jobs' advice because I think it is true. I think it is very interesting to comprehend what Jobs is saying. I have not read anything like it. I know everyone has to die some day, but if I had to die today? I have no idea what to do. And in Jobs' words, I know where he is coming from. Just live life to the fullest. At least if you experienced something, you can tell people about it no matter how stupid it is. I won't wake up and tell myself  everyday, "If I die today, what am I going to do?" but sometimes, I'll just think about it for a while. You don't have all the time in your life to just wait for something to happen. Live it! Life is too short for unnecessary shit. You only have one life to live, so don't waste a single day. Life is too valuable. It can disappear in a heart beat. You will never know when your time will come. "Attack life, it's going to kill you anyways." 

If I started following this advice tomorrow, I will learn that I would be totally different. The way I act, the way I look, just everything. I will be more "out there", doing stuff that I would never do, and nobody is going to stop me.  But I would only do the things I won't get in trouble for. Yes I would probably make stupid decisions, but hey that is life. Life is all about making decisions and what not. I would just do it, instead of thinking about it. There are many things I would like to do before I die, and I would like to accomplish those things. Live in the moment because every second you spend being angry, disappointed or upset is a second of happiness you can never get back. Note to self: stop regretting things and start to have more fun and live like a regular teenager. Live, love, and laugh.  

The advice I would give to people about how to "make big choices in life" is probably to do things you would never do, but without getting into trouble nor not getting caught. Do the things you are afraid to do. Time is short. You just have to let go and put aside all the drama and keep in contact with the people who make you laugh so hard that you would forget about everything, no worries no nothing, just having fun. Challenge yourself and do stuff out of the ordinary. Break rules, daily routines, try new things. Who cares what people think. It's your life, not theirs. You can do whatever you want to do. Do whatever makes you happy. Nothing lasts forever, so live it up! Take chances and risks. Don't waste precious time. Put a smile on your face and have an adventure.

"Spend everyday as if it is your last because tomorrow is never promised." - quote by unknown.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

CE: Typhoon in Philippines

 Full story click here
 MANILA, Philippines -- Rescuers scrambled Sunday to deliver food and water to hundreds of villagers stuck on rooftops for days because of flooding in the northern Philippines, where back-to-back typhoons have left at least 59 people dead.
So this is what I've been hearing about last week from my family and television. Philippines was hit by a typhoon last month and killed fifty-nine people. Many were either killed, gone missing, or stuck on top of their roofs. Typhoon Nalgae slammed the island, then made it's way around China. As of today, it is still flooding there. Seven towns in Manila are deluge. Hundreds of locals are isolated on rooftops waiting for help. Help did come, but they need more.

The only typhoon I have experience are the ones at amusement parks. But anyways, since I have family there, my parents and aunties, and uncles and everyone are worried about them. Fortunately, none of my families over there in the Philippines were hurt. I feel very said for the people over there. The things they have gone through, and the things they need to face now. They lost many things. Such as their houses, precious belongings and/or a relative or friend. Damn. I wonder how that feels like. Trying to survive a typhoon. Here in California, all we have are earthquakes, that's it. Right now, my mom and grandma are sending my family over there some foods and clothes because they feel bad and really need some of them. Let's just be happy that it already passed and Nalgae is gone. Even though it left many damages and killed many lives, people there are strong and have faith on a new day. My prayers go out to the Philippines.

RE: MY Friends, Not Yours

I found this from Christian's blog.
No matter where you go, you will always manage to find someone with this problem. You can always find a Friend Stealer. Friend Stealer- Someone who thinks it is okay to steal other peoples friends and think they're best friends after talking to the person 3 times. The friend stealer is more often than not oblivious to the problem at hand.
This happens to me all the time and I dislike it. For me, I don't think it is okay for my friends to just, steal my other friends and start talking to them even though they just met. I don't know why. I can't explain it. And when they spend more time hanging out or talking to them more than me, that's definitely not okay. And the thing that ticks me off the most is when the "friend stealer" talks and talks about the friend you were friends with first and tells you all these things about the friend that I already know about. Umm, I'm not slow, and I was friends with him/her first, so yeah.

Through out my school years, I have delt with this. But in middle school, it hit me. I had friends that did not go to the same school as me, and one day they came to visit me at my school and all of my friends that go to the same school as me wanted to be their friends also, okay I have no problem with that, but I will if you talk about them a lot and start hanging out with them. Also, I HATE it when my friends be adding my friends from other cities on facebook, like what the hell? You do not know them whatsoever, and have never met them before in your life. It's not like you're going to see them any time soon.

Your friends are my friends and my friends are your friends.... um no, it doesn't work like that honey... (only sometimes when you've known the people for so long)

FREE: Last Friday Night

(This was typed the week when I thought we had biweekly posts due but instead we had to do an essay.)
Last Friday night was indescribable, crazy, and tiring. So many things were going on that day, and it felt so long. I felt like I was in school for twenty hours. I just wanted school to be over so I can play my game and watch island bowl after. Ahhhh.

So it was after school, I just wanted to get this game over with. We played against St. Joes and we lost, both matches. It was fun though. Then after me and my friends had to put the chairs and nets back to where they belong, then we went straight to the locker rooms to change then we were out. We came to Encinal around 5:40 and JV were still playing. My friends and I were holding up a sign saying "go hornets" and it had some of our closest guy friends' numbers on it also. Then their game ended, they had a tie or whatever. After that, I saw a lot of familiar faces there which was a good thing. It's nice to see old friends you haven't seen in a while. Then it was Varsity's turn to play. I only saw some of it because my dad had to pick me up to go to San Jose. I hate going home early. But whatever, at least I still went and had a good time. I will never forget that Friday. One of the craziest Fridays ever! Can't wait for next years Island Bowl, which will be held in our field.